After 30 days of procrastination and 25 hours to spare I finally completed the challenge I set out to complete for the month of October. The Red October challenge hosted by
the Sewcialists. I opted to make a blouse and a pair of red leggings using McCalls M6173 leggings pattern and McCalls M5662 blouse pattern.

I started on the blouse first and quicly completed my muslin, adding many inches to all sides of the bodice to cover my breast area. After I completed the muslin and cut on the pieces of my top I got to a stand still and didnt work on it for weeks. I didn't run into an issue, I just lost interest in the project. After two weeks of no progress I decided to work on the leggings to hopefully recreate the motivation behind the project. It only took me two evenings behind my sewing machine to complete them and I loved them immediately. Actually, it's a miracle I haven't already worn them out because I have really been itching to show them off. This helped me get motivated again and after about a solid week of sewing and lots of seam ripping and re-sewing I have finally completed the matching blouse. I made some changes to match my style, I added a red band to the center piece of the blouse and also sewed the top up straight instead of crossing them over as the pattern called for. After all done I am very happy with the finished project and ready to show the outfit off tonight. Now to decide what to sew next... hmmm. :)